Sunday, July 23, 2006

Carmen Electra and Hermeneutics, together again.

I recently discovered, that a work of Hans Georg-Gadamer, The Relevance of Beauty and Other Essays, was available at in English. I added this book to my wish list as it is my wont, and those who are familiar with this procedure know that the following page usually lists other books that readers who purchased this work also considered purchasing. I had expected the usual suspects, Truth and Method, The Beginning of Philosophy and maybe some Cambridge or Routledge Anthology, but much to my surprise according to

Customers who bought The Relevance of the Beautiful and Other Essays also bought:

Carmen Electra's Advanced Aerobic Striptease

Carmen Electra's Fit to Strip

and of course...Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease

Now it seems that there are three possible conclusions that can be drawn from this:

1) Carmen Electra, the "talent" of these instant fitness classics is a student of philosophical hermeneutics
2) Gadamer fans are really lonely women who are overweight and have metal poles in their living rooms or lonely men who enjoy spandex, sweat, and repetitive counting to either three or 10 with their striptease.
3) has far too many of these DVDs laying around and in a thinly veiled attempt to mass market them, odd juxtapositions have been created with sexy results.

I really, really hope it is 1)...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is truly a startling phenomenon. Could Miss Electra, recently single might I add, be of the same mindset as you?
I also like how you put "talent" in quotes *enter means of choice to convey laughter over the internet*.